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John Singer Sargent’s Approach to Painting
On Demand
|Online Recorded Lecture
Hewn with a Hatchet: this lecture examines John Singer Sargent’s painterly technique, and how he approached painting as though it were sculpture.

Time & Location
On Demand
Online Recorded Lecture
About the Event
Please note that once you pay you will get an email confirming your payment. This email will also contain a link and passwrod for the recorded lecture.
- Make sure the latest version of Chrome is installed on your computer as your browser, this will improve the quality of the streaming (it does not like Safari)
- You can confirm the download and upload speeds on your device, by going to, 3 Mbps or greater is ideal
- If using an Ipad, confirm it is on iOS 11 or higher
- No microphone or camera are needed
Please note that because of broadband issues the Q&A section of this lecture is patchy.
This ticket is for people who would like to pay in advance offline by cheque or bank transfer. Please let us know how you will be paying.
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